through Color & Style Analysis

At Seasons of Color, we’re passionate about helping moms live confidently. Through our tried-and-trusted color and style analysis process, we can help you: 
  • know what to choose from your closet every morning.
  • understand what to buy when you shop. 
  • dress your current body.
  • dress for impact on special occasions.
  • know what matches. 
  • enhance your natural beauty through the right makeup, jewelry, and hair colors.



Discover your season

Seasons of Color Founder & Image Consultant

I discovered color analysis in 2018 on a visit to my in-laws in Mexico. I was so hesitant to find out what colors were my best until my husband encouraged me to go! (Isn’t it funny how our husbands love to see us do something fun for ourselves, ladies!?)
At this point in my life, our son was 3 months old and I’d never left him, let alone in a foreign country. Partway through our trip, I was flipping through photos when I came across one of myself in a mustard yellow blouse. Instantly, I knew just how much I needed color analysis. For the first time, I could see the exhaustion in my own eyes! I’d attributed it to life as a new mom, but I realized looking at that photo that mustard yellow did nothing for me

When I walked into my color appointment, I thought, “Okay. Let’s see what this is all about.”

When I walked out, I thought, “I have got to get home to go through my closet!” And, as soon as I returned home, I released SIX huge bags full of clothing that didn’t make me feel my best. SIX.

I became an image consultant because I want other women to discover what I did during that first postpartum summer–happy confidence independent of how your body feels or your season of life. 

Hi, I'm Amanda

To help you be comfortable and confident as you dress, knowing that your wardrobe beautifully suits your body, your preferences, and your lifestyle.

My goal is

Your First Step

Do you look best in muted or bright tones? Cool or warm?
Everyone has a natural, God-given color harmony. Color analysis is the process of uncovering the best colors for your natural tones. During a color analysis consultation, we’ll study your natural skin, hair, and eye color with colored drapes and determine your best color season. Color analysis isn’t about learning the colors not to wear, but understanding what shades of each color are best for you!
Why? Wearing your best colors will naturally smooth your skin, brighten your eyes, whiten your teeth, reduce shadowing, and bring YOU into focus! 
BONUS: As a part of your color analysis, we’ll also discuss your best makeup shades, jewelry metals, and hair colors. 

Color analysis



Build a Wardrobe You Love

The process of style analysis is designed to help you know what clothing fits are best for your body architecture and personal preferences. Together, we’ll discuss the patterns, colors, and fits you wear every week and the ones you never reach for, along with the reasons behind each. If you struggle to select clothing items for yourself, style analysis can help!

Body & Style analysis



Your Path Forward

Need help auditing your current wardrobe to fit your season and style? Book an in-home closet consultation! I’ll come to you and help you make cohesive decisions around what to keep, what to replace, and what to pass along, sell, or donate. 

closet consultation



I completed my color analysis training in March 2022 and body and style analysis training in June 2023 through El Color de tu Alma, a certified image consultant and Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) member.

"What kind of color and style analysis training have you completed?"

Click the link below to schedule now! If you’d like to talk with me before scheduling your appointment, you can also reach me at

"How do I schedule with you?"

Common questions